Top Reasons Adults Choose Invisalign In Chicago Over Braces

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byAlma Abell

Adult braces. Just the words are enough to strike fear in the hearts of both women and men who hear them from their dentists. In today’s modern world, however, braces don’t have to be train tracks that ruin your life. Instead, you can opt to choose Invisalign in Chicago over braces. If you don’t know much about Invisalign, read on below for a few of the top reasons adults are choosing these clear braces over traditional braces hands down.

Corrects Without Brackets and Wires

When you choose Invisalign in Chicago over traditional braces, you don’t have to worry about having a mouth full of brackets and wires that hurt your mouth and can pierce your gums if you aren’t careful. Instead, you will wear customized aligners until the job is done and your teeth are straight and white once again.

They Are More Comfortable Than Traditional Braces

Invisalign works to reposition your teeth so that you are comfortable even when wearing your aligner. There are no painful adjustments to undergo and no wires coming loose and piercing your gums. You can also eat what you want or chew gum, another added plus to choosing Invisalign over braces.

You Have to Go to Fewer Appointments

There is no constantly going to the dentist to have your braces tightened or checked. With Invisalign, you go to the dentist every so often, and you get aligners at the same time, so you don’t have to worry about being in the dentist’s office every week.

These are just a few of the top reasons adults are choosing Invisalign over traditional braces on a daily basis. If you are ready to make your choice, contact the professionals at the Art of Modern Dentistry for an appointment.