Tips To Help You Create A Business Card That Will Get Noticed

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byAlma Abell

With modern technology at an all-time high and more and more small businesses turning to social media networking, it is becoming extremely easy for these businesses to overlook how important having a quality business card truly is. Even without the avatars and hashtags, business cards are still one of the most important types of branding and marketing materials available.

When you have a well-designed business card, it can play a very important role in the acquisition of new clients, as well as the actual sales process. In many cases, one of the very first interactions that a potential customer will have with your brand is the business card that you have created and the design you have chosen, which can say quite a bit about your actual company.

Take a look at your current business card, what message are you really conveying?

When it comes to you creating a business card that is effective, one that will encourage a positive response and provide customers with a lasting impression, there are a number of things that you should understand; as well as a certain number of elements that need to be completely avoided.

The Do’s of Designing Your Business Card

When you first contact your Orange County Printing Company there are certain things you should be sure that you implement into your business card design:

  • Maintain consistent branding. You should be sure that the card you created shares the same design and colors as your website, as well as the other marketing materials you plan to use.
  • Create a unique card that makes a statement.
  • Be sure to carefully consider the fonts that you use. It is highly recommended that you select simple and straightforward fonts that are extremely easy to read. Be sure that your message is completely clear.
  • Be sure the ton of your card matches your industry.
  • Be sure you achieve balance and contrast.

The Don’ts of Designing Your Business Card

Just as there are a number of things you should do, there are also things you should avoid at all costs, including:

  • The use of cheap paper.
  • Including too much text.
  • Using clipart for your business’s logo.
  • Letting the information on your business card become outdated.
  • Using too many different fonts.
  • Forgetting to include your various social media links.

It is important to consider the design of your business card carefully. After all, in many cases this will be the first impression someone receives of your business; be sure it’s a good one.