Irs Problems How We Can Help}

IRS Problems – how we can help


Sarah Duncan

Life is not without its trials and tribulations, and neither is filing your tax return. Some years are more stressful and complicated than others; the Tax Planner CPA, LP network knows this. IRS problems arise again, and again, and againand IRS problems come to people who are good upstanding tax paying citizens. It simply happens. Millions of people pay taxes each yearthe odds that the IRS is not going to make any mistakes are not very good. IRS problems are common, and fixable.


However, if you havent seen your rebate in months, youre getting audited for a reason you cant quite pinpoint or one of many other IRS problems, you dont want to be the one making that 1-800 phone call. You know that when you call, youll be tossed around by customer service reps until, three hours later, you finally reach someone who can help you with your (or possibly their) IRS Problems. We know you have busy livesyouve got kids to drive to soccer, choir rehearsal, book club, your nine to five job, working out, cleaning up and the list goes on. Youve got plenty on your plate without a serving of IRS problem potatoes. Your time is valuable and precious. We, TaxPlanner CPA, wont put you on hold for hours on end. We wont even put you on hold.

We here at the Tax Planner, CPA, will make those calls for you. In a situation where you feel out of your league, or overwhelmed with jargon, or know theres been a mix up but dont have to time to make the exasperating phone calllet us. Well deal with the jargon because we play in that leagueand not the minor one, the major one. By hiring Tax Planner CPA for your tax preparation and to file your tax return, you also allow us to be responsible for whatever happens next. Well help you! We know the ins and outs of auditing, we know who to call when you rebate is missingweve been playing this game far longer than youve been in the bleachers watching. TaxPlanner CPA will hit a home run for you; well make everything easier.

Dont you want a professional on your side when things get messy? After all, things happen. Blizzards fall, cars get scratched, knees get scraped and IRS Problems arise. Now, the bases are loaded and its the end of the game Who do you want up there batting for you? Your next door neighbor or Babe Ruth? Youor us?

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IRS Problems – how we can help}