Weight Loss Diary 13}

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Submitted by: David McCarthy

From 25 thru 1 April.

This weeks weight loss diary could be the penultimate because after my Friday weigh-in I am down to 182.5 pounds (90.3 kilograms), just 2.5 pounds above my target figure. Last week I reported 186 pounds (92 kilos) but the scales were just below that figure so I guess I have shed a little over 3 pounds this week. That is way too much to lose in one week. A general target rule is1 pound each week if you want to keep it off, 3 is much too high.

So how was 3 pounds shed in just a week?

I think I told you a couple of weeks back that I was suffering from a cold and that is still with me. Due to a really busy business schedule it has been necessary to work through it even though my food intake has been low because I just feel crook. This is obviously a factor and next week it wouldnt be surprising if the scales go up again.

Looking back over the week it has been a time when eating hasnt been fun and fluids have formed the major part of my diet. On the other side of the equation I havent exercised as rigorously as normal and did miss one complete exercise session.

The most pleasing aspect of my program to date is that after just a few weeks my body has accepted the fact that smaller portions are fine. If I feel hungry between meals a piece of fruit or a raw carrot is ample and that it is fine to leave food on the plate. Ability to think is not impaired by eating less and improved aerobic fitness is great because suddenly walking and exercise is a fun, and challenging, thing.

If asked, what is the best thing to come out of the program to date? It is difficult to pick one individual item. The fact that I have become conscious of serving size is one of many that will come into the reckoning when we do the final debrief. However, the only thing I have lost is weight, there are for more that have been gained that we will go into in the final article. For now I am happy that my focus on serving size is the major thing that will keep weight from coming back.

This article is copyright David McCarthy 2006.

About the Author: David McCarthy writes articles on many aspects of health related eating, he also operates the free recipes site at


a site devoted to freely sharing knowledge of all things food related.



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