Water Brands! Brand Name And Public Relationship

Water Brands! Brand name and public relationship


Keron Modulator

Not so many years ago it was said: “To sell bottled water to the people is like selling sand in the Sahara,” Who is stupid enough to buy a bottle of water in a shop, which is available both cheaper and more direct from the tap?

Developments have shown that consumers in both Norway and other countries with good drinking water in the taps still like to pay for something they really could get almost for free from their local water works. Have we got water in the head and we started to behave completely insane, or is it a good enough explanation?


several laboratory tests / studies have documented that water from Norwegian waterworks is both cleaner and better than the water we go home on the bottle. There is therefore no immediate rational explanation for why so many consumers buy bottled water.


The explanation should perhaps be sought in that people do not respond only rationally but also emotionally, when you make a purchase decision. This is common sense, and the price is no longer the deciding factors, but the emotional bond that can be created for the product – and then we can talk about good branding.

Brands provides security

Was originally a product’s brand value reflects the confidence sought by consumer purchases. The old slogan for Tuborg Green: “Tuborg tastes best – every time said that it is safe to enjoy the same taste every time. Brand Loyalty started so often that the consumer had a preference for a product based on objective criteria. The product was labeled the consumer’s guarantee that she got what she expected – every time – safety.

From product to brand

Trademark value is not just that the product has the same high quality from time to time. Tuborg produces not only beer but also the image. Tuborg of not only thirsty, it also has a universe where consumers will find it attractive to be a part of. One can say that production has been a sideshow compared to the market.

Spring water producers have succeeded in adding the water a value beyond the core product – a value that the consumer can relate to and find attractive, and therefore are willing to pay extra for. Water has been interesting for consumers, which is the prerequisite for building brands as a brand has just been marked by a person.

A product is thus not automatically lead to a brand status because they use a lot of marketing. If the consumer responds with indifference and uintresse it is just a product and not a “must have it, just gotta have it”.

You are what you buy

Most people want to be perceived by their surroundings in a certain way. Once purchased brands, acquired not only an object of consumption, but also a product that helps to build or maintain a desired identity. There is an expectation that the use of the trademark will have ripple effect. Product expresses our desired lifestyle.

The choice of clothing, music, books, furniture, food, beverages, car shows, etc. The rest of the world, who we are. We are what we buy! If the label does not reflect the identity that the consumer wishes to convey to their surroundings, the product is of no interest at almost any price. Therefore, a branded supplier continually invest in marketing and innovation to ensure the brand’s continued popularity with audiences.

Emotional ties

One brand that has been around long enough, you eventually get an emotional ballast to make it part of the consumer’s image and life. This emotional attachment means that it can be dangerous to change the product too much.

Even the world’s strongest brand cannot change, so that they themselves want. If the change means too much change compared to the expectations consumers have for the label, there may be uncertainty about the label is now something else, and thereby weaken the relationship with the consumer Consumers are willing to forgive errors with marks near them. But the larger role played note to the person’s identity, the lower the tolerance for error. mediahuset nova

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