Owning Your Own Craft Business Is It Really Possible?

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By Dawn Burden Bates
How many get rich quick schemes have you seen on the Internet or advertised on late night television? Some of them sound pretty feasible, dont they? Have you ever found yourself considering buying into one of these plans? Have you ever actually taken the plunge? If you were successful, you would not be reading this article. Even though the marketing for these schemes is genius, they are what they are, schemes. The reality is that the only way to get rich quick is to win the lottery or inherit a fortune.
Yet the reason the get rich quick schemes seem so reasonable is because the argument for owning your own business is usually a good representation of how many of us feel. The commute back and forth to work, the daycare if you are a working parent or caregiver, the overtime, the corporate red tape and the boss that is less than fair or friendly. Wouldnt it be a dream come true to own your own business and leave all that behind? I dont know many people who havent at least thought about it, even if just for a minute.
The reality is that many people DO own their own businesses. Just do a quick search on the Internet for oh, lets say, scrapbooking supplies. Google returns over
one million
results. For arguments sake, lets assume large corporations such as Michaels, Hobby Lobby and JoAnn own 75% of those sites. The remaining 25% or
web sites listed are individuals who own their own business selling scrapbooking supplies. How did these entrepreneurs get started? If they did it, why cant you?
The key to starting and running a successful business of your own is to begin considering what you love and what you are good at. Do you have a hobby you love that is crafty? Creating and selling handmade items can be an excellent way to start your business while allowing you to keep the safety net of your current job. You can sell the unique items you make on the Internet, on eBay, on Craigslist, in a local craft store, at a craft fair or to your friends. Some crafts that come to mind are:
– Sewing, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, appliqu, cross stitch, needlepoint, quilting, weaving, macram, lace making
– Pottery, sculpture, ceramics
– Woodcarving, metal work, glass art, leather art, mosaic art
– Candle making, soap making
– Scrapbooking, rubber stamping, card making, stenciling
– Photography, graphics
– Painting, artwork
– Jewelry making, beading
– Floral arranging
– Doll making
Im sure Im leaving out several craft types, but the key here is that there are numerous ways to create beautiful handmade items that other people will pay you money to own. Yes, you can actually own your own business and make money doing what you love. Ive seen people become so wildly successful that they had to hire a staff to keep up with demand. Ive done it and had to turn away business because of my backlog of orders. It isnt a get rich quick scheme. It isnt easy and it takes a great deal of initiative and dedication to be as successful as the individuals that I referenced, but the work you do is your own. It is something you love doing and you answer to no one but yourself (and your clients). And with that in mind, all the hard work you put into your craft business is worth it.
About the Author: Dawn Bates is an avid scrapbooker. Her scrapbooking layouts have appeared in several issues of Creating Keepsakes and Memory Makers magazines. Her helpful business plan can be found on her web site SolarFlair Designs(
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