Consulting With Your Surgeon Before Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Consulting With Your Surgeon Before Breast Reconstruction Surgery


Anna Woodward

Some people might decide on breast reconstruction surgery before thoroughly reviewing all of their options with one, or even several, surgeon(s). It’s understandable that some patients want the procedure to be completed as quickly as possible. It is understandable to be fearful or hesitant about the discussion.

However, an extensive initial consultation will help patients to be more relaxed and open throughout the process. Speeding through the consultation phase could cause them to deal with feelings of anxiety and fear unnecessarily. If you are thinking about or in the process of going through this particular procedure, there are several reasons why it’s not a good idea for you to skip out going over all of the options with your surgeon in advance. This doesn’t mean that it has to be an hour-long conversation, but just 15 to 20 minutes or less can make a big difference.


One of the reasons it’s a good idea for you to talk with your breast reconstruction surgeon ahead of time is that it will allow you to become more comfortable with them. This is especially important for people who have never gone through surgery before. The first time can seem a little scary and intimidating. Therefore, getting to know the surgical professional, even to a small extent, will help you to feel more assured when the day of your operation finally arrives. This is also important for people who have gone through surgery before.

Talking with a breast reconstruction surgeon also helps you to become more knowledgeable about the process. So, if you have any burning questions or concerns, they will be able to address them for you. This will give you an opportunity to learn things that you would’ve never known before. You may even have the opportunity to know about the things that will take place during the actual operation, if you so desire. Some people don’t want to know and that’s perfectly fine. However, if you do, this would be your chance to learn.

Lastly, consulting with your breast reconstruction surgeon also gives you the opportunity to learn some important things about the aftermath of your operation. There will more than likely be some important steps for you to follow right after the procedure. For instance, you may have to wear bandages for a short period of time. Knowing all of these things will help to prepare you for what’s ahead. That way, you won’t be caught off guard.

So, before you go through with your breast reconstruction surgery, get to know your physician and the operation. This will allow you to be comfortable with them as well as more knowledgeable about the process.

Breast reconstruction

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Consulting With Your Surgeon Before Breast Reconstruction Surgery