Better Manhood Health Formula: Red Wine And Juice}

Submitted by: J Dugan

Even when hes just had the best sensual activity of his life, many a man finds himself thinking That was great! Now what can I do to have even more fun next time? Thats a testament to the pull and the allure that sensual activity has for men which has the benefit of making guys keep an eye on their manhood health so their equipment is in good shape for sensual activity when it comes along. One option some experts suggest for better sensual activity is the proper consumption of red wine and of citrus fruits both of which are tasty options to try.

Red wine? Sure thing!

Its no surprise red wine is on the list of things that lead to better sensual activity. Wine itself is often associated with sensuality. How many rom-coms include a scene with a couple sipping red wine as their bodies relax, a hand travels up a leg, and lips are soon locked in a fervent kiss? The bouquet associated with red wine has a sensual cast to it, and even the color is tempting, with that deep red bringing to mind heat and flames.

But beyond the popular image of it, theres a reason why red men is a sensual enhancer (for men and for women both). Red wine contains a compound known as quercetin, a flavonoid found in other plant and fruit-based products as well. Its found in rather significant quantities in red wine, and this may explain why it may make a man feel more sensual. One of the functions of quercetin is to inhibit an enzyme known as UGT2B17.

Why is this good? Because UGT2B17s function is to get male hormone out of the body. By blocking this enzyme, red wine helps male hormone levels remain high, which in turn tends to increase a guys sensual drive.

What about women? Well, red wine also plays a role in making a woman feel more in the mood. It does this by increasing blood flow to her most sensitive zones.

How much?

Red wine has a sensual drive-enhancing effect on both men and women, which can translate into better sensual activity. But should a couple chug down a whole bottle just before dropping off into bed?

Probably not. As with all things alcohol-related, too much red wine can ultimately have a dampening effect.

Its suggested that couple enjoy two glasses each of wine, perhaps one with dinner and one afterward. Its also thought that regularly having two glasses of red wine has the long term effect of more sensual activity, which of course leads to better manhood health.

The citrus connection

And what about citrus fruits? A recent study found that men who eat citrus fruits (including in juice form) tend to have fewer issues related with tumescence dysfunction. The reason seems to be the cardiovascular benefits typically associated with citrus fruits, which in turn keep the manhood well-oxygenated, thereby making tumescence easier to come by. Most experts believe just a few servings of citrus fruit a week can make a significant difference.

Some men may find that red wine and citrus fruits are indeed a path to better sensual activity. They will want to make sure their member is poised to benefit from this by regularly using a superior male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The preferred crme will contain L-arginine, an amino acid that keeps the male organ blood vessels open and receptive for greater blood flow. Its also beneficial to use a crme with acetyl L carnitine, another amino acid that protects against the peripheral nerve damage that can result from exciting but rough and over-aggressive sensual activity.

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for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.


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