A Complete Guide to Knowing Hair Transplant
The hair transplant procedure means regaining original hair by the cosmetic surgery applies by the transferring of air roots. It is a permanent solution to address hair loss or baldness issue by receiving the surgical procedure involves the donor as well as the receiving areas of the scalp. The baldness is a major concern for the people who are affected by the case due to the genetic factor is known as the Androgenic alopecia.
The treatment of surgical option must be performed by the expert cosmetic surgeon as it is the combined effect of the art as well as the science. The sharing ratio of the artistic aspect has greater value than the surgical job that sets the procedure apart from other regular surgeries.
Visit hair loss clinic for more information specifically.
What is Hair Transplant?
The transferring process of hair roots between the donor and recipient areas that is followed by the extraction or harvesting the hair roots, either by the FUT or through the FUE technique is called the hair transplantation.
What is the Role of Donor Area in the Procedure?
The safe donor area is usually the back and sides of the scalp referred to as the DHT-resistant hair zone that never tends to fall out. It is considered as the safest because of the retaining characteristics of the hair roots in terms of resistivity towards DHT-sensitivity. It is primarily used in the hair transplant procedure to extract the permanent hair roots to fulfil the surgical concern. The safe donor areas are primarily used in the FUT hair transplant procedure where roots are extracted via the strip excision. The donor area should be targeted wisely in order to fulfil the desired outcome of the procedure.
The Techniques of the Procedure:
There are two types of techniques applicable in the hair transplant, which is segmented into two categories, namely the FUT technique as well as the FUE extraction. The technique decision to perform the surgery is taken by the expert surgeon during the consultation session that has several determinatives related to the patient’s state of baldness, the extent of hair loss, type of issues, and the last, but not least the condition of donor areas. The technique also accelerates the hair transplant cost and so must be chosen wisely.
Have a Brief look on both the techniques separately:
What is the FUT Hair Transplant?
The FUT or follicular unit transplant is actually a process of follicle extraction that is done through the strip of the skin followed by an incision and closures the areas by the advanced closing technique. The strip contains a number of hair follicles in a single time that can easily extract by the excision facilitates the possibility of obtaining a higher number of grafts in a single time extraction.
The Benefits of the FUT technique:
A Dense-packed Hair Transplant is possible
To offer a dense-packed result is only confirmed by the strip harvesting procedure as it provides the opportunities of obtaining the highest number of grafts that makes the possibility of dense-packed results.
Easy to Fulfil the Greatest NW-class of Baldness
The FUT or strip technique can fulfil the greatest need of the graft that can fulfil the highest grade of baldness. If a patient is affected by a major grade of baldness due to the Androgenic alopecia the recommended technique to sort out the problem is a FUT hair transplant.
A Permanent Outcome is only possible through the FUT
The permanent hair follicle/graft is only achieved if the extraction is done from the safe donor areas and the technique of FUT extraction targeted only for the safe donor parts. However, the obtained grafts remain forever on the scalp and naturally adopt the character of original hair roots despite being transplanted to another location. Thus an expert Surgeon always recommends the FUT technique to get the procedure done to sort out the problem of genetic baldness.
What is the FUE Hair Transplant?
The follicular unit extraction or FUE is a process of extracting the grafts via multiple punching one-by-one that extract single root in a single time. It is based on the random punching that compels a surgeon to target the unsafe area’s roots too subsequently makes the chances of getting the temporary hair roots. The FUE is also known as the blind method and based on the speculation ability of the surgeon that may go wrong in most of the cases.
The Benefits of the FUE Hair Transplant:
It is Feasible in Body Hair Transplant
The FUE hair transplant is feasible in the performing the body hair transplant (BHT) viz. eyebrow hair transplant, moustache hair transplant, and beard hair transplant. The FUE has a great role in performing the body hair transplant.
It is applied when a Patient is underage
The FUE hair transplant is applied when the patient is below the age of 25 and is not considered as a suitable candidate for the FUT hair transplant procedure. If a patient is affected by a conditional cause for hair loss and wants to receive the procedure to groom his personality only FUE can be recommended in such a particular case.
The FUE Hair Transplant is recommended to Sort out the Lesser Grade of Baldness:
The FUE is a feasible decision to sort out the lesser grade of baldness. It is all worth to fulfil the need for the NW-I, II or III grade and allowed in a particular case when a patient doesn’t possess a healthy donor supply. Moreover, it is also quintessential for the restoration surgery that a patient has a good donor supply in order to accomplish the desired outcome of the procedure.
Following are the quintessential Points of the Hair Transplant Surgery:
- The surgery always performed by the expert plastic & cosmetic surgeons
- The procedure should be followed by the prior consultation that you must receive by the expert hair transplant surgeon
- The selection of technique always decided by the performing surgeon
- The cost matter should be discussed in advance that helps in finalizing the technique, procedure-plan and the preferred location for the treatment.
On the whole, we can say that it is always helpful in receiving the surgery that who is performing the surgery or where you are going to receive the procedure! The surgical restoration of hair needs extreme care, concernHealth Fitness Articles, and pre-procedure planning in order to get the best cosmetic appeal of the procedure.
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