5 Healthy Tips For The Busy Office Goer To Help With Weight Loss}

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Submitted by: Daniel Clay
The corporate world is becoming too busy to even care about exercising and weight loss and as a result the number of obese cases is escalating each day. Most of the office goers dont have the time to work out. Listed below are a few easy to implement ideas which can help the busy office goer in losing weight even without a dedicated workout regime.
Check your eating habits: It is better to consume as required rather than overeat and try to sweat it out later. The easiest way to limit your eating is to start your meal with a cup of water or a bowl of low calorie corn or vegetable soup. By doing this, you greatly bring down your appetite, which helps you eat a lot lesser. The other way is to choose six-meals-a-day plan rather than three meals a day. By eating six times a day we consume food for every three hours, hence our body does not enter starvation mode and we are not tempted to overeat during meals.
Pulling through Parties: The corporate culture considers parties as a place for social and business networking and there are several parties organized by firms for its employees. Team dinners are also organized quiet often to build a good relationship among the team members. The odds of overeating at these occasions are really high as the parties and team dinners always have some exquisite cuisine. The only way to avoid overeating at these occasions is to have a small low calorie snack at home before leaving for such occasions. The snack leaves you with a smaller appetite throughout the party.
Avoid oil and fat: Try switching to low fat alternatives in every kind of food that you consume. Switch to low fat milk, low cream cheese, butter, etc. These small changes can stand tall in the weight loss process. Avoid oil from your diet as far as possible. Use oil only if it is a must and opt for Olive oil as olive oil fat is harmless to the human body and also does not increase cholesterol.
Avoid skipping meals: Most people who do not have the time to work out try skipping meals to lose weight. But unfortunately this does not help; rather it only worsens the situation. While skipping meals, the body enters starvation mode and we tend to overeat in the next meal which increases our weight.
Go for colorful meals: Make sure you include a minimum of five colors in your daily diet. Colorful diet provides you a variety of nutrients to your body. Eating a colorful diet is the best possible way to ensure that we consume an overall complete diet with all the necessary nutrients.
Losing weight without a dedicated workout time may be not very effective. It also takes a very long time to show results. Yet it can have a great impact in due course. Beyond these be active always. Walk around when you can; take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every single measure you take up to lose calories will have an impact as it will at least burn a few hundred calories. Visit the gym at least once in a week and consult your personal trainer to help you out in choosing the right exercises that suit your physique.
About the Author: Dan Clay is a Sydney weight loss expert and owner of Dangerously Fit personal training. If you would like to attend a session with
North Shore Personal Trainers
or to join
Personal Training Sydney
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Kensington Personal Trainers
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