5 Dream Vacations Gone Bad

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5 Dream Vacations Gone Bad
Andy Biggins
An adventurous trek in the Amazon rainforest, a glass of ice cold beer on the beaches of Fiji, or perhaps an all-hell-breaks-loose party in Cancun?
After all that work in the office, all that stress from your boss (imagine yourself as geek in hell Dilbert), all the horrible news on TV and all the pressures in life, don t you just want to take a vacation and leave your cares behind?
I, myself, was just thinking of going on another trip, but after skimming the news and the outrageous flight rates, I was not exactly pleased with what I read. Most probably after these 5 stories, you ll think twice about going on a vacation.
Till Death Do Us Part
And so it begins: the happily ever after. Wasn t so happy when hubby went home alone without his wife. Apparently, wifey died while scuba diving – she panicked and hubby couldn t do anything. What made the family and friends suspicious? A few speculations:
>David Gabriel Watson, is a certified rescue diver.
>Her dive equipment was in good condition
>Inconsistent stories during inquests
>Lastly, the father told the police that Gabe had asked his wife, named Christina to increase her life insurance and make him sole beneficiary. Haven t we seen too many murder stories to figure this out?
Be Careful What You Eat
I think everyone who has a heart for adventure would want to sample local delicacies in whatever place they re visiting. But hold that fork! Be careful what you eat for you do not know what it is you are eating. Untrained tummies will definitely lurch at these items found in China.
And Matthew Inman would definitely think twice about going to certain countries after bouts of Diarrhea and chafed butt-cheeks.
Locked Up Abroad
This was featured in National Geographic, and is just a sample of drug mules caught in Peru (and probably in all other countries where unsuspecting tourists were given packages from friends containing illegal drugs). 2 American Girls were promised a luxury vacation to Lima, Peru in exchange for bringing back something small in return. Small turned out to be $1 million worth of cocaine!
Nature can be your best friend or worst enemy
The 2004 Asian Tsunami reveals heart breaking stories of couples, families, & friends who just wanted to spend a few days in paradise only to lose their loved ones. Or more recently the tragic sinking of a ship off the coast of Philippines during a storm.
A grandmother and her 2 yr old grandchild only wanted to attend a family reunion but ended up on the list of possibly floating bodies in the search and rescue operation of the coast guard.
A daughter waits for news on her parents and 5 siblings who went aboard the MV Princess of the Stars.. but at this rate, she knows she s only waiting for the confirmation that they are indeed dead.
If you can, say a little prayer for them friend.
On a lighter note, just when you thought you had the most amazing vacation, you come home to a stench so foul you couldn t enter your own house.goldfish
Cliff Woodrick returned from a four-week vacation in Quebec to a gruesome sight and an even more unpleasant smell: the corpses of more than two dozen fish bobbing up and down in his algae-coated aquarium.
We had a storm that knocked out the power while I was gone, he remembers. The three pump filters went offline, and some of the electrical connections in the house were fried. “
Vacations gone bad. Yikes. Weren t you just wishing you were on vacation?
Andy Biggins knows that life isn’t a box of chocolates but he loves it as sweetly as if it were! Travelling and Gadgets rule his world, and if you want to know more about his thoughts on just about those 2 topics, swing by his site
The Big Life
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5 Dream Vacations Gone Bad