0% Interest Credit Card Balance Transfer Tips

By Morgan Hamilton

A 0% interest credit card balance transfer can go a long way in alleviating financial stress. I know that with a lot of Americans the feeling of being overwhelmed can be quite stifling. If you happen to carry a high amount of credit card debt you may feel as though you will never get it completely paid off.

Compounding this problem is the fact that many credit card issuers will raise the Interest rates on people carrying substantial debt because they are considered to be a greater credit risk. Sounds cold doesn’t it? They just keep piling it in.

If this is your present situation then you can at least take some solace in the fact that you are not alone. More and more Americans find themselves deeper and deeper in debt. There are many reasons for this and really no reason to go into that here. That is an exhaustive subject unto its own.


A viable solution can be found in 0% interest credit card balance transfers. They are becoming an increasingly popular way to consolidate and manage credit card debt. And credit card issuers including Bank of America, American Express, Discover Card and Chase are eager to issue them.

These are great promotional instruments for the banks and credit card companies. What they are actually hoping for are to, of course, gain new customers. But ultimately they know that many of these new customers will carry the debt that they transferred beyond the introductory period.

They have this down to a science and know full well that the majority of people are going to do just that. And the credit card company rakes in huge profits from the interest payments. But I’m here to say that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Take advantage of 0% interest balance transfer credit cards by setting up an aggressive payment schedule. Most introductory rates last between 6-12 months. Do some quick math and see how much you would need to pay back each month to pay off the debt before the introductory rate expires.

And take heart. Even if you can’t afford to pay it off in full you most certainly can take advantage of the zero percent interest and pay off a substantial portion of it. And now you are well on your way to being free of credit debt and those nasty interest rates.

About the Author: Morgan Hamilton offers sound financial advice and helpful tips with regards to the credit card industry including 0% Interest Credit Card Balance Transfer. Visit





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